学生服务 Resuming This Weekend; Normal Operations to Resume on Monday

大部分学生区将在周六重新开放. 学术和行政大楼将一直关闭到周一. >>>Read the full update 在这里.<<<


所有注册的学生都要缴纳学费, 费用, 宿舍收费, 以及在学期开始前适用的膳食计划.


  • 秋季学期- 8月1日
  • 春季学期- 1月5日
  • 夏季学期-五月十五日

All students are expected to comply with Loyola's billing and payment policy by ensuring that all charges on the student account are covered by any one or a combination of personal payment; anticipated financial aid credits; enrollment in an approved monthly budget plan; full sponsorship by a university approved third party payer; or another arrangement accepted by the university.

